This weekend taught me a lot. For those of you who don't know - Ernie, Kristen, myself, and a bunch of our clients were up in Barrie this past weekend competing in an epic event called the Warrior Dash. It consists of a 5km run (mostly uphill) and combines that with about 12 different obstacles. I wont go into too much detail, but you should all take a look at the website.
Anyway, my point is that I had originally just wanted to beat my time of 34 minutes last year - but after beginning our training class, I figured it was time to shoot high. I had done almost no training last year and to beat my time wouldn't take too much effort. So, I trained. I told myself that I would get top 50 in my age group. I told myself I would get under 29 minutes. I set out some realistic steps to get there according to the time frame that I had. Guess what? I got 28 minutes and 50 seconds and came 44th in my age division.
What I am getting at, is that if there is one thing that is lacking in the majority of people that I see walk through the doors of ACF, it's a lack of short term and long term goals. Don't get me wrong, weight loss is great, so is putting on some quality mass... but I am talking about goals here. Most of my clients who have been the most successful are the ones who have a specific goal in mind when they come in for the consultation. Whether it be a wedding, a vacation, a sport specific goal. . whatever the case may be - everyone works better with goals.
Go home tonight. Think about where you want to be physically, in your professional life, even in your personal life - and write it down. It could be 3 months, it could be a year, hell, I have goals written for myself for 5 years. Now, this isn't "The Secret" and I'm not going to tell you to write yourself a cheque for 300,000 and post-date it for 3 months from now. . then just sit back and wait until the date comes.. then BAM! Profit! No, now it's time to write down some steps to get you there. Set up a time line. What are you going to do differently today, that is going to get you closer to your goals tomorrow? Start short term. I'm telling you. . time flies. A year can pass with no changes and only you are to blame. Do you have any idea how good it feels to accomplish a goal that you have set out for yourself that actually means something to you? When I saw my time and place in the race - I was truly happy with my results and effort. It does wonders for your psyche. And the best part is, once you attain one goal, you will set more.
I'm not trying to be Captain Motivational Speaker here, but just try it. Set one 3 month goal. It doesn't have to be in the gym. If you take the necessary steps, it will come into fruition.
Next year, for me at the dash - it's top 50 overall, and top 10 in my age group. :)
Great goal Bryan. I know you can do it! Goal setting seems to be motivation for me. It has worked many times before. Sometimes I just need to motivate myself to initially set the goal and the rest falls in to place.